# Epochs & TensorBoard

Last update: Feb 10, 2024


# Epochs

  • "Epoch" is a unit of measuring the training cycles of an AI model.

  • In other words, the amount of times the model went over its dataset and learned from it.


# How many epochs should I use for my dataset?

  • There isn't a way to know the right amount previous to training. It depends on the size, length & quality of the dataset.

  • If you aim towards a quality model, it's not convenient to input a semi-arbitrary amount of epochs, as it makes it prone to underfitting/overtraining. (explained later)

  • So it's best to use TensorBoard. WIth it you can determine exactly for how long you should train. (explained later)


# Do more epochs equal a better model?

  • It doesn't, since using a disproportionate amount will overtrain the model, which will affect the quality of it.


# Overtraining

  • In the field of AI, is when an AI model learns its dataset too well, to the point where it centers too much around it & starts replicating undesired data.

  • The model performs very well with data of the dataset, but poorly with new data, as it has lost its ability to replicate anything that deviates from it.

  • It happens when the model is trained for too long/is too complex. So to avoid this, RVC users use a tool called TensorBoard.


# TensorBoard

  • TensorBoard is a tool that allows you to visualize & measure the training of an AI model, through graphs & metrics.

  • It's specially useful for determining when to stop training a voice model, since with it you can detect when the overtraining point begins.

  • Because of this, TB is the most convenient tool for RVC users for perfecting a voice model.


# Installing & Opening

  1. Download this file & move it inside RVC's folder. Ensure the file path doesn't contain spaces/special characters.

    TensorVENV.bat 1.57KB

  1. Now execute it. It will open a console window & create some folders inside RVC.
    • If you get the Windows protected your PC issue, click More info & Run anyway.
  2. Once it's done, your default browser should open with TensorBoard app.
    • If it doesn't, copy the address of the console at the bottom, and paste it in your browser.
      Said address will say "https://localhost" followed by some numbers.



# Usage Guide



  • Open TB & begin training in RVC.

    • If you get the No dashboards are active issue, select SCALARS in the top right corner dropdown.


  • First ensure auto-refresh is on, so the graphs update constantly.

    Click the gear () in the top left corner & turn on Reload data.
    You can always manually refresh with the refresh symbol (🔄) in the top right.


  • Go to the SCALARS tab.



  • # In the left panel:

    1. Activate Ignore outliers in chart scaling.

    2. Set Smoothing to 0.987.

    3. Select your model in the Runs section below. The models you tick will show in the graphs. (untick /eval if you want)


  • In the search bar, type "g/total". This will be the graph you'll monitor.


  • Each graph has three buttons in the corner:
    • Left one is for going fullscreen.
    • Middle one to disable Y axis, for a fuller view.
    • And the right one is to center the view.

  • To zoom in & out the graphs, press the ALT key + mouse wheel. Remember to center the view after moving around, and after the graph updates.


  • Now let the training go for some time.

  • You'll detect OT (overtraining) when the graph hits the lowest point, then stay flat/rising indefinitely.

    Example of OT for hours:


  • There will be various low points, one after the other, so don't get too anxious if it's OT or not. You can always use a previous checkpoint either way.

  • If it reaches a low point, let it run for longer until it's very clear it's OT.

  • When you detect OT, zoom in & place your mouse over the lowest point. Note down the Step number.


  • Use the model that was closest to before the OT point.
    For more information, check the guide for your RVC in this website.

~ Work in progress. ~


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