# Inference Settings

Last update: Feb 25, 2024


# Introduction

  • When doing inference in RVC, you'll come across to quite a few options that you can tweak, that influence the conversion process.

  • Configuring them accordingly can improve the output quality by a lot, as well as reduce artifacting, so we highly recommend learning them.

  • There are some of them that are either obsolete or not important. So if a setting is not explained here, you can ignore it.


# Explanation


# Transpose



# Also known as Pitch, it adjusts the tone of voice.

  • Negative values lower the tone (e.g -2).

  • Positive ones raise it (e.g 5).

  • You can use decimals if necessary (e.g -4.3).

You'll usually have to modify this for the pitch to sound perfect. Modify it until it matches the tone of the model.


# Search Feature Ratio


# Also known as Index Rate, it determines the level of influence of model's .INDEX file:

  • Higher values will apply more of the .INDEX's characteristics.

  • Lowering it can reduce artifacting.

Remember, if the dataset had other sounds like background noise, there will be noise in the .INDEX too.


# Pitch Extraction Algorithm


# Also known as f0, they're the algorithms for converting the vocals.

  • Each one works in its own way, and has its pros & cons.

  • As the majority of them are obsolete, we'll focus on the 3 best ones: RMVPE, Crepe, & Mangio-Crepe.

    • Fast
    • Decent quality
    • Usually sounds a little harsh
    • Should be your go-to algorithm, due to its convenience

    Some forks include RMVPE_GPU & RMVPE+. Same algorithm, but with a modification:

    Training only. Uses more GPU power, making you train faster.

    Inference only. Allows you to set the maximum/minimum frequency, to reduce small distortions. Recommended for advanced users.

    • Slower
    • Has higher quality
    • More prone to noise & artifacting. Switch to RMVPE if you can't fix it
    • Only use it with high quality datasets/samples
    • Recommended for more realistic results
    • It's crepe, but you can adjust its hop_length
    • It determines the time it takes the voice to hit a note
    • The lower the value, the more detailed results you'll get, but will take longer to process
    • Useful when the audio/model performs drastic note shifts

    Lowering it too much might lead to voice cracks.

They also work the same for training models.


# Protect Voiceless Consonants


# Also known as Protection, they suppress breath sounds:

  • Decrease the value to remove more breath sounds, as they cause some artifacting.

  • A value of 0.5 disables this feature.

Be careful, lowering it too much will make it voice sound "inhumane" & suppress part of the words.


# Volume Envelope


# Also known as Remix Mix Rate, controls the loudness of the output:

  • The closer to 0, the more the output will match the loudness of the input audio.

  • The closer to 1, the more it will match the loudness of the dataset the model was trained on.

Basically, leave it at 0 if you want the audio to try to keep its original volume.


# Split Audio


# Gives a faster inference & more consistent output volume:

  • In RVC sometimes there's an error where the volume of the output lowers in some parts.

  • To prevent this, Split Audio divides the audio & infers them one by one. Then unites them at the end.

  • Doing it this way is faster too.


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